Biology 11th


1.- gametophyte, spoankrophyte, fruiting body
because gametophytes and sporophytes are found in algae, whereas fruiting bodies  form in funguslike protists
sporophyte,fruiting body

2.-chlorophyll a, carotenoids,phytoplankton
because they are organisms, whereas chlorophyll a and carotenoids are pigments

3.- plasmodium , blade, holdfast
because plasmodium is a stage in the slime mold life cycle, whereas cholophyll

4.-wate mold, cellular slime mold, kelp  
kelp because kelp are algae,whereas water molds are funguslike protists

5.-diatomaceous earth, red tide, bioluminescence
diatomaceous earth is formed from diatoms, whereas red tide and bioluminescence are associated with dinoflagellates.
6.-c 7.-a 8.-d 9.-a 10.-d 11.-b 12.- c 13.-d 14.-c 15.-b
16.-How are algae similar to protozoa? How are they different? What characteristics do algae share with plants?What characteristics differ?
A= Like protozoa, algae are eukaryotic and mostly unicellular. Unlike protozoa, algae can manufacture their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis. like plants, algae have chloroplasts and are autotrophic. Unlike plants, algae do not have tissue differentiation, so they have no true stems, roots,or leaves and form gametes in single-celled gametangia
17.-List the characteristics used to classify algae into seven phyla.
A= algae are placed into seven phyla based on their color, type of chlorophyll, form of food storage substance, and cell wall composition. All algae contain chlorophyll a.
18.-Compare the types of food storage molecules found in the seven types of algae. What is the the most common food storage molecule used by algae?
19.-List the types of pigments found in the seven types of algae. What is the most common photosynthetic pigment found in algae?
A= The types of pigments include chlorophylls a, b,and c; carotenoids;fucoxanthin;phycobilins;xantophyll. Chlorophyll a is the most common pigment.
20.-What is a thallus? What types of thallus formats are found in algae?
A= A thallus is the body portion of an alga. Thallus formats can be unicellular, colonial or filamentous,or multicellular.
21.-See figures 27-2,27-3 and 27-4 for details. Sexual reproduction occurs in unicellular and multicellular algae.
22.-Why are euglinoids described as both plantlike and animal-like organisms? Explain how euglinoids can be
both heterotrophic and autotrophic?
A= Euglinoids are plantlike in that many have chlorophyll and are photosynthetic; they are animal-like in that they lack a cell wall and are highly motile.
When euglena is raised  in the dark environment, it will not form chloroplasts and will become heterotrophic.
23.-What is a fruiting body? At what point of their life cycle do slime molds form fruiting bodies?
A= A fruiting body is a sporebearing structure that forms during slime mold reproduction.
24.-Define the term multinucleate.What kind of protists are characterized by this form of cell structure?
A= Multinucleate describes the plasmodium of plasmodium slime molds, which contain thousands of nuclei.
25.-a.-flagellum b.-eyespot c nucleus d.-chloroplast; this is an euglenoid,  or euglena gracilis.

                                            CEAD Christian School
Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.
Biology Quiz #2                                                             4th marking period                                                                              15%
Grade 11th
Name______________________________________ Date________________ Section_______________
I.- Essay  ( 0.5 each)
Instructions: develop the following inquiries in a neat and organized way you may as well illustrate with drawings or pictures. Don´t forget to add some color!

1. - Many fungi are fatally poisonous to mammals. What adaptive advantage do toxins give to a fungus?
2.-Long before antibiotics were discovered, it was common practice to place a piece of moldy bread on the wounds. Explain why this practice might have helped the wounds heal?
3. - Most fungi grow best at temperatures of about 150C to 21oC. Aspergillus fumigates, however, can grow well at 37oC. Knowing this, where would you expect A. fumigates to grow?
4. - Research the ways that medical science has been influenced by the study of fungi.
Investigate the discovery of penicillin and other drugs derived from fungi.
Investigate the role played by fungi in various diseases.
5. - Differentiate between basidia, a basidiocarp , basidiospore.
6.-Distinguish between a mycorrhiza and a rhizoid.
7.-Differentiate between a sporangiophore,a sprangiosphore, and a sporangium.
8.-Differentiate between ascocarp, an ascogonium, an ascospore, and an ascus
9.-How do the sexual reproductive structures in the three phyla of fungi resemble one another? How do they differ?
10.-Explain why biologists think fungi colonized dry land at the same time as plants did.
11.- Explain how fungi contribute to nutrient cycling in the environment.
12.-Describe mutualism, and give an example of such a relationship involving fungi.
13.-Explain why rust is and how it affects humans.
14.-What similarities are there between a mycorrhiza and a lichen?
15.-Which fungi cause athlete´s foot and vaginal yeast infection?
16.-List the types of food derived from fungi.
17. - List nonfood products produced by fungi.
18.-Explain how fungi compete with humans for nutrients.
19.- Explain why lichens are important to the environment.
20.-Draw, color and illustrate the Ascomycota life cycle.
21.-Explain the benefits plants and fungi derive from a mycorrhizal relationship.
22.-How do fungi obtain nutrients?
23.-Describe dimorphism.
24.-What characteristic makes fungi an important resource recycler?
25. - In which phylum is classified the common edible mushroom found at grocery stores?
26.- The name of the female gametangium in sac fungi .
27.-Where can you normally find the fungus Rhizopus growing?
28.- Name of the walls that  separate cells in fungal hyphae.


30.- Label and color.

enjoy !!!!!!!officially the last quiz of biology!!!!!